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Monetary annuity - its types and determination

On May 5th 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on the monetary annuity, its types and determination.

This training aimed to extend the civil law judges knowledge related to the monetary an-nuity and correct application of legal provi-sions related to it.

First part of the training elaborated on under-standing the monetary annuity and terms to be met for this category of the damage and bene-ficiaries of the monetary annuity. While sec-ond part of the training, elaborated on ways of assessment, setting the amount and form of the monetary annuity realization, and on the case law.

This training also elaborated on correct appli-cation of the Law on Obligational Relationship provisions (LOR) that regulate types of dam-ages, with particular emphasis on the monetary annuity, terms to be met for this damage cate-gory, beneficiaries of the monetary annuity, setting its weight, and forms of realizing the monetary annuity.

This topic was of high interest for the partici-pants, considering the fact that in case law there are frequent disputes because of damage compensations, and one of the material dam-age categories is the monetary annuity as well. The Monetary annuity as a form of damage compensation is often a challenge for the court, in the sense of setting its weight. Be-sides this, another challenge is ways of proving and forms of its execution.

The training was delivered using combined forms of teaching, using theoretical and practi-cal explanations followed by examples from the case law.

Beneficiaries of the training were judges of the Appeals Court, judges of civil divisions of Basic Courts, and professional Associates.

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