The Academy of Justice, within its mandate, organizes initial trainings for newly appointed judges and prosecutors. The purpose of this program is to develop the professional, ethical and interpersonal competencies of the newly appointed judges and prosecutors.
Judicial training is essential in the functioning of a professional judicial and prosecutorial system and in particular the training of newly appointed judges and prosecutors is considered as one of the key factors in guaranteeing the independence, impartiality and professional and ethical competence of the judiciary.
The training program lasts 12 months and is organized according to this structure: a combined model of theory and practice which includes all areas legislation and national laws, the Acuquis Communautarie, the European Convention on Human Rights and other international acts also includes interdisciplinary training and case review and mock trials.
While the second part, the practical training takes place in the courts / prosecution where they are appointed and includes the practical aspects of the work of the judge / prosecutor, focusing on the development of practical skills in order to apply them after the training.
The Academy of Justice, during 2022 is implementing the initial training program for the eighth generation of judges which is attended by 24 newly appointed judges.
Ms. Valmira Pefqeli
The Head of the Initial Training Program
Tel: 038 200 18 668