News and Activities - Archive


Communications and public relations

On July 12-13 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of GIZ conducted training for the administrative staff of the judicial and prosecutorial system on Communications and public relations.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge for a better approach in media communications, reporting, and public relations.

This training sessions elaborated on the following: public access to judicial proceedings, media access on judicial proceedings, institutional presentation and information for the public.

Particular emphasis was put on importance of public presentation, understanding the context, understanding the request/ interest, understanding information or the message. During this training session it was discussed about organization of press conferences, the process of conducting presentations, results of the presentation, and introduction before the public as well as media appearance.  

The training was held in form of interactive discussions, where participants could present their challenges and difficulties in their daily work in relation to the media and public.

Beneficiaries of this training were: administrators, professional associates and legal officers, information officers from courts and prosecutions offices of different instances.

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