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Workshop on “Regional Exchange of best judicial training practices”

During September 13-14 2018, a delegation of the Academy of Justice is participating in the workshop on “Regional exchange of the best judicial training practices” which is taking place in Belgrade, under the auspices of the GIZ Open Regional Funds.

Purpose of this workshop is to discuss strategic and systematic approach for the judicial training, and application of the adequate tools and methods in regional countries, with particular emphasis on practices of the Scandinavian countries.

This workshop will focus on issues that relate to the strategy and systematic work in judicial training, experiences during a training, planning of the training needs assessment process, training techniques and methods, training assessment, evaluation of opportunities for cooperation and exchange of training practices, trainer’s strategies and training curriculums.

This two-day workshop is being attended by judicial training institutions from Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.

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