News and Activities - Archive


Meeting with Representatives of the Council of Europe

Prishtina, February 6th 2019, Mr. Valon Kurtaj - Executive Director of the Academy of Justice and Mrs. Valmira Pefqeli – Acting Program Coordinator of the AJ hosted in a meeting Mrs. Isabelle Servoz-Gallucci Head of the Council of Europe Office in Prishtina and Mrs. Larissa Kireeva from the Gender Equality Division of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

Main topic of the discussion in this meeting was introduction of the CoE new project of Issues of violence against women and domestic violence.

This meeting presented components of this project which focus on the area of violence against women and the domestic violence, as well as forms of cooperation. The interlocutors agreed to cooperate in accomplishment of these activities in the area of domestic violence.

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