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Regular and extraordinary legal remedies

September 3 2019, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted training on “Regular and extraordinary legal remedies”.

Purpose of this training was that beneficiaries extend their knowledge on the procedures when applying regular and extraordinary legal remedies and apply correctly the relevant legal provisions.

Initially the training focused on the criminal procedure stages according to the Criminal Procedure Code and then types of legal remedies available to challenge judgments of the basic instance in the Appeals Court.

Second part of the training was dedicated to extraordinary legal remedies in a comprehensive way and covered aspects like: parties that can file requests for legal remedies, legal requirements for filing appeal, requests for protection of lawfulness, essential violations to have in mind while handling these requests, the issue of jurisdiction, situations when the judgment exceeds the indictment, and similar matters.

The training enabled discussion on practices of courts and prosecutions, and on areas for improvement in the sense of inter-institutional cooperation, including the court, prosecution and Kosovo Police.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and legal officials of the basic instance.


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