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Initial and second hearing

On September 17, 2019, the Academy of Justice, in the framework of the Continuous Training Program, conducted a training on "Initial and second hearing".

The purpose of the training was to enhance the professional knowledge of the beneficiaries in the proper application of specific procedures in cases involving the initial and second hearing in view of the efficient implementation of criminal proceedings.

This training covered the initial and second deliberations, the timing of the initial deliberations upon receipt of the indictment and the second deliberations, the actions of the presiding judge or single trial judge, and the course of the initial d and second hearing.

Prior to this, eligibility criteria were elaborated, post-conviction options and procedure separation cases where there are more defendants and some plead guilty at the initial hearing and some not. It was further clarified that the single trial judge or presiding trial judge ensures that the state prosecutor had fulfilled his or her duty to disclose evidence, namely notifying the defendant and his or her defense counsel that prior to the second hearing, for the evidence cited in the indictment, to present a request for dropping of indictment, of id its legally forbidden to file an indictment request for failure to sign a criminal offense under the law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors and professional associates from all regions of Kosovo.

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