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Meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy

On September 26, 2019, at the Academy of Justice, conducted the nineteenth meeting of the Managing Board of the Academy of Justice chaired by the Chairman of the Board, Mr. Alexander Lumezi, Chief State Prosecutor.

The purpose of this meeting was to review the Final Report of the Recruitment Commission's recommendation on the position of AJ Executive Director and election of a new Director as well as discussion and decision making of various issues within the scope and mandate of the Academy.

According to the agenda set for this meeting, initially the members of the Board approved the minutes of the previous two meetings. Subsequently, the Board proceeded with the procedure for the election of the Director. By voting of the three candidates recommended by the Recruitment Commission conducted by secret ballot, it resulted that none won the majority of votes. In this regard, the Managing Board decided to cancel this competition and announce a new one.

The Managing Board continued the discussion about the Program Council's opinion on the list of trainers deriving from the two announcements for trainers that the Academy of Justice, which was unanimously approved.

During this meeting the Board also decided to amend and change the decision on the composition of the Editorial Board as one of the members of this body has resigned for health reasons. Further, the opinion of the Managing Board on the recognition of the final examination of two judges of the VI Generation, who remain in the VII generation of the newly appointed judges, was also approved.

At the end of the meeting, other important issues were discussed within the scope and mandate of the Academy.

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