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Professional ethics Members of the investigative panel, Group I

On November 19-20 2019, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program with the support of GIZ Legal and Administrative Reform Project conducted the mandatory training on Professional Ethics for members of the Investigative Panel - Group I.

Purpose of this training was to extend the beneficiaries knowledge on standards of the Code of Ethics, and position of the Code of Ethics in relation with the responsibility and disciplinary procedure.

Focus of this training was Code of Ethics and basic principles of the professional ethics like independence, impartiality, equality, integrity, professionalism and responsibility at work, confidentiality and the public and the media relation, regulation on the misconduct, responsibility, violations and disciplinary measures against judges and disciplinary procedure.

Also, the training discussed about the Investigation Panel and ways of its establishment, its mandate which is to investigate the alleged disciplinary violations from the list of panel judges who are selected randomly and who come from other courts, not from the courts of the judge that is under investigation.

Training is conducted through theoretical presentation and followed by questions and interactive discussions between participants and trainers engaged.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges of the Supreme Court, the Appeals Court and basic courts from different regions of Kosovo, all members of the investigation panel – GR. I.



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