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Enforcement of court decisions in family matters and labor disputes

On December 05, 2019, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with GIZ conducted a training on: “Enforcement of court judgments in family matters and labor disputes”.

The purpose of this training was to advance the participants' knowledge on the legal provisionsof the Law on Enforcement Procedure.

The first part of the training covered the enforcement body, its competences, the decisions of the enforcement body and their content. The second part covered the legal bases for determining the enforcement in cases of return of the employee to the workplace and handing of the child, as well as the actions of the enforcement body and the manner of enforcement.

The training emphasized that the role of the courts remains very important, as more sensitive issues such as family matters and the return of the employee to work remain the exclusive competence of the courts. Legal remedies also remain with the court, whereas another important function is the supervision, since parties who believe that the private bailiff has violated any of their rights may appeal to the court. It was further emphasized that attention should be paid to safeguarding the dignity of the enforcement debtor and enforcement to be as less damaging to debtors as possible in the course of enforcement proceedings.

During this training, the trainers used combined methods of explanation including theoretical and practical explanations followed by practical examples, where participants had the opportunity to be active all the time, participating in discussions with other participants including the trainer.

Beneficiaries of this training were: Basic Court Judges, Court of Appeals, Special Chamber of the Supreme Court and professional associate from Courts and Prosecution offices.

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