
EJTN Announcement on AIAKOS 2020 Exchange Programme

Due to the uncertainties related to the organisation of face-to-face exchanges, an AIAKOS ad-hoc working group was gathered together in June to discuss the feasibility of turning AIAKOS 2020 into online activities. On 4 September 2020, the group agreed on the decision to organise the AIAKOS Programme fully online in 2020.

As the next steps, the hosting institutions will gather together to discuss and agree on the programme related questions and options in the course of September. This week, the participants will be shortly notified of the decision to organise the programme online, and they will receive further information about the programme and technical details from their hosting institution as well as the online registration from EJTN in due course before the exchange week.

Currently, the allocation of participants to their hosting institutions remains as planned. The online version of the AIAKOS Programme 2020 also means that this year the participants will not have any financial commitments relating to their AIAKOS exchange.

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