
Report on the EJTN workshop on the topic: Human Rights and Access to Justice in the EU

September 26-28, 2022, under the organization of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), through the Kosovo Justice Academy, the workshop on "Human Rights and Access to Justice in the EU" was held in the premises of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France.

The legal advisors from the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, Bardh Bokshi and Resmije Loshi, participated and were trained in the following issues: (i) presentation of the general nature of the work and activity of the "European Judicial Training Network" (EJTN); (ii) judicial independence as a European standard; and, (iii) the right of access to the court, with an emphasis on the most recent jurisprudence of the ECtHR.

Advisors Bardh Bokshi and Resmije Loshi have also participated in the hearing (chamber hearing) held by the ECtHR Chamber composed of seven (7) judges, in the exceptionally interesting case of Pietrzak v. Poland and Bychawska-Siniarska and others v. Poland, which essentially examined the right of the Polish state to intercept and control the content of professional discussions between lawyers and their clients, so whether the Polish state had the right to intrude on the privacy of the appellants on the one hand, while on the other, the right of complainants to complain against the surveillance measures of the Polish state as well as the possibility of viewing the material recorded by the surveillance measures.

Advisors Bardh Bokshi and Resmije Loshi have also participated in group trainings with individual cases regarding the independence of the judiciary, in which case they have given their contribution to the subject in question based on their work experience in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as have learned and extended their knowledge from the exchange of experiences with other participants in the workshop on "Human Rights and Access to Justice in the EU."

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