
Report on the EJTN training on the topic: "Freedom of Expression in the Digital Age"

October 20-21, 2022, under the organization of the European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), through the Kosovo Justice Academy, a training was held in Zagreb, Croatia on the following topic "Freedom of expression in the Digital Age".

With the financial support of the Constitutional Court, the officials of the Court participated in this training: the senior constitutional-legal advisor, Nexhat Kelmendi and the Director of the Office for Communication and Information, Veton Dula.

The two-day training began with testing the professional knowledge of the participants regarding various aspects of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), as well as logical questions in the field of freedom of expression.

During the first day of the training, all participants had the opportunity to be informed more closely about some concrete cases, handled by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), which as the object of the case had the freedom of expression and implementation of Article 10 (Freedom of Expression) of the ECHR.

The second day of the training meanwhile focused on the freedom of expression in social networks and on the Internet, as well as the misuse of this right in certain cases by different individuals, but also by the electronic media (portals) themselves. The topic of discussion and as a practical example in this regard was the right to use social networks by judges, commenting in the media on the cases under consideration and friendly meetings of judges with the parties in the procedure.

Part of the two-day training was also the division of all participants into two working groups, which, together with the selected trainers, dealt with and examined different cases from the judicial practice of the ECtHR, which as the object of the case had the freedom of expression and Article 10 of the ECHR.

The two-day training was concluded by repeating the testing of the first day, to measure the knowledge gained by all participants from the training held.

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