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Enrichment of the KJI Library

On January 30th 2017, Acting Director of Kosovo Judicial Institute had the pleasure to welcome in a cordial meeting the honorable Professor PhD. Ejup Sahiti.

At the meeting it was discussed about the role of Kosovo Judicial Institute in the increase of professional capacities of the judicial system in Kosovo, particularly for legal sources that KJI library provides for judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals.

Professor PhD. Ejup Sahiti expressed willingness to enrich the KJI library with some of his titles from the scientific work like: the Criminal Procedure, Judicial Phycology, Arguing in the Criminal Procedure, Witness Testimony as Evidence in Criminal Proceeding, contributing this way to enrichment of the KJI library with new titles of legal field.

KJI Acting Director, Mr. Besim Morina expressed gratitude to the honorable professor for the books and for his continuous input in the KJI Program Council as expert and a member. 

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