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Compulsory share of the inheritance and its infringement

On April 21st 2017, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on the topic of “Compulsory share of the inheritance and its infringement”.

This training aimed to help civil law judges ex-tend their knowledge on the compulsory share of the inheritance and its infringement.

First part of the training was dedicated to the compulsory share of inheritance and the heirs, as well as calculation of the compulsory share of inheritance; while the second part elaborated on the compulsory share and circle of heirs entitled to the compulsory share of inheritance.

This institute from the Law on Inheritance was comprehensively elaborated by providing an-swers to the following: what is the compulsory part of the descendant’s inheritance? Who are the compulsory heirs? What are limitations to the right to disposition of the inherited estate? How can the compulsory share be calculated? What is infringement of the compulsory share and judicial protection?

The training elaborated also on correct applica-tion of the Law on Inheritance provisions that envisage the compulsory share, it also referred to case studies, judicial protection in cases of in-fringement of the compulsory share, as well as examples from the case law. This was a topic of interest for the participants considering the num-ber of cases and dilemmas in the case law that relate to the infringement of the inheritance’ compulsory share.

The training used combined methods of lectur-ing and practical explanations followed by many practical cases keeping the participants active during all the time.
Beneficiaries were judges of the Appellate Court, judges of the civil divisions/ General De-partments in Basic Courts, as well as profession-al associates.

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