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Privatization procedure of entities by the Kosovo Privatization Agency

On June 23rd 2017, Academy of Justice within its CTP conducted training on “Privatization procedure of entities by the Kosovo Privatization Agency”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the judges knowledge on the privatization procedures of entities by the Kosovo Privatization Agency, role of the Agency in the privatization process, verification and announcing the provisional win-ner, approval and rejection of the bid, and pro-hibited bidders.

This training also provided answers to queries like: is there procedure violation by the KPA in cases of bid approval or rejection? What was the state of SOE’s in Kosovo after the war, what were their debts? What are difficulties of the ju-diciary in solving cases of this nature?

At the training it was discussed about the general conditions in Kosovo that preceded the need for privatization and adequate and timely liquidation of socially owned enterprises. Considering the continuous legal uncertainty about property of these enterprises and assets, also understanding that this legal uncertainty was seriously and neg-atively impacting on the general economic and social situation in Kosovo, raised the need for issuing laws and bylaws that regulate the privati-zation process issue.

The actual practical issues were comprehensive-ly addressed and analyzed, acquainting and un-derstanding better the role of the agency in the privatization process in Kosovo; correct imple-mentation of the privatization procedures of enti-ties; and identification of prohibited bidders.

The aforementioned matters and other issues raised by the participants were treated in depth through discussions of participants and elabora-tion of the trainers to reach at the end to ade-quate conclusions.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, judges of basic courts – civil division and official of the KPA.

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