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Second Meeting of Judicial Training Institution Network of South East Europe

On 26-27 April 2017, representatives of the Academy of Justice participated at the second Meeting of Judicial Training Institution Net-work of South East Europe, organized by Re-gional Cooperation Council, in Istanbul.

This meeting aimed at presenting and discuss-ing the organizational structure of judicial training institutions, management bodies, strengths and weaknesses of functioning in-cluding best practices in this regard.

During the meeting were also discussed the needs of training institutions in the field of ju-dicial training and support their independence, as well as the possibility of Regional Coopera-tion Council to serve as a sustainable judicial training center in the countries of South East Europe.

In the meeting were presented concrete activi-ties of the Regional Cooperation Council, as well as was discussed about the exchange of proposals for the future joint activities of judi-cial training institutions, through Regional Co-operation Council such as various studies, training for judges and prosecutors and the staff of training institutions.

The meeting also served to discuss the most important projects in the judicial training area, where challenges and good practices toward implementation of these projects were intro-duced.

The meeting continued by discussing the ex-pected future results at the regional level, as well as the role of the Regional Cooperation Council for capacity building, support and strengthening the cooperation of judicial train-ing institutions.

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