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Evidence collected from Facebook and other social media

On December 7-8, 2017, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EULEX organizes training on “Evidence collected from Facebook and other social media platforms”.

This training will cover the following: what are social media? What type of relevant information do perpetrators post (or other related persons) in social media? Distinction between the evidential value between information obtained from Facebook (or other social media) and the intelligence information; general legal principles and procedural issues related to collection of admissible evidence from Facebook and other online social media platforms; Ethics in relation to investigation of online social media; Human Rights implications and respect of the privacy; how can relevant information be used as admissible evidence in criminal proceedings; effective cooperation between police-prosecution for use of information in real time from postings on Facebook.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Prosecutors from the Appeals Prosecution and the basic instance prosecutors, Judges from the Appeals and the basic instance. 

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