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Practical training of newly appointed judges at the Kosovo Chamber Advocates

On 05 February 2018, the Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program for newly appointed judges conducted a practical training at Kosovo Chamber of Advocates (KCA).

The purpose of this training was to provide an overview for newly appointed judges about the role, organizational structure and challenges faced by the KCA.

Initially, to participants was presented a short historical background of the establishment and of KCA, its legal framework, than the mission, duties, the purpose and the organization of KCA, its services toward the community and cooperative activities with other institutions.

During the visit, was also treated the internal procedure of complaints submitted to KCA, including judicial complaints toward lawyers, or criminal reports against the judiciary, how the committee decides for the lawyers who infringe the Code of Ethics, most frequent measures imposed against lawyers who infringe the Code of Ethics, as well as the role and function of the Training Center for advocates and its training programs.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed judges VI generation of ITP.

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