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Workshop on reviewing the module on Justice for children – criminal law aspect

On May 10-11 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of UNICEF, conducted a workshop for Reviewing the Module on Justice for Children – Criminal law aspect.

Purpose of this workshop was to adjust the topics with new changes to the Juvenile Justice Code, which will be accompanied with practical case with the purpose of increasing professional capacities of judges and prosecutors.

The workshop was held with the purpose of identifying the needs for complementing the Module on Justice for Children, based on draft code on Justice for Children.

During the workshop attention was paid to some novelties that the new justice for children code will bring, which will enter into force. Preliminarily, participant’s divided topics of the module that will be adjusted with the changes, in order to make them compatible with new provisions of this draft code.

Participants of this workshop were judges from the Supreme Court and the Appeals Court, as well as prosecutors from the basic instance – authors of the Module on Justice for Children – the Criminal Law aspect

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