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EJTN supported training on “Human Rights and access to Justice in European Union”

During June 26-27 2018, under the auspices of EJTN – the Human and Fundamental Right Project held a training for judges and prosecutors of the EU member states, and participation of the Western Balkan countries on “Human Rights and Access to Justice in the European Union”.

Purpose of this training was to increase the knowledge and skills of judges related to the right to a fair e timely trial, and the notion of effective remedies, as fundamental rights set forth in Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and in Article 47 of the European Union Chart on Human Rights.

Objective of this training was that through combination of theoretical part and the workshop on case law, participants are ready to addresses issues like: judicial independence, the principle of equity of arms and duration of the judicial procedure; and that this training serves as a forum for exchange of knowledge and good practices between judges and prosecutors from all European Union countries.

Kosovo was represented with a beneficiary Judge Lumnije Krasniqi, from the Basic Court of Pristina, Criminal Division – general department.

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