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3rd Meeting of the SEE Network of Judicial Training Institutions

On November 21-22 2018, RCC with the Support of Ministry of Justice of Croatia hosted the 3rd meeting of the SEE Network of Judicial Training Institutions “Rule of Law at heart of enlargement process - regional cooperation”, that took place in Zagreb.

Purpose of this training was to discuss importance of enhancing the regional cooperation in the area of judicial training as one of the main factors for the independence, impartiality, accountability and efficiency of the judicial system, as well as exchange of the best practices in the area of judicial training.

Participants in this meeting were addressed by Head of the RCC Liaison Office in Brussels, as well as the Secretary of State in the Croatian Ministry of Justice, who highlighted importance for increasing capacities of the judicial system in the Western Balkans, as well as regional cooperation in the area of achieving this purpose.

This meeting addressed many important aspects of the judicial institutions work, like: rule of law as a “sine qua non” prerequisite for political and economic stability, justice efficiency – role of the judicial training and alternative dispute resolution, regional cooperation as an added value, the program and regional cooperation of the Judicial training institutions and law faculties on the EU legislation, as well as cooperation of the judicial and prosecutorial councils with judicial training institutions for creating, approving, and assessing training programs, as well as selection and assessment of the trainers.

Part of this meeting was dedicated to presentation of the CEPEJ Report for 2018 of the Committee for Efficiency in Judiciary focusing on Western Balkans Countries, presentation on the HELP Program Report, of the Council of Europe, as well as presentation of the draft document on minimal criteria for regional cooperation on regional cooperation in the judicial area.

This meeting was attended by representatives of the judicial and prosecutorial councils, the ministry of justice, judicial training institutions of the Western Balkans, representatives of GIZ, EJTN, and the SEE Law School.

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