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Meeting of the Academy of Justice with the KJC Training Committee and JSSP representatives

Prishtina 21st February 2019, Academy of Justice is conducting meeting between representatives of the AJ, Training committee of the Kosovo Judicial Council and representatives of the US Embassy in Prishtina (JSSP).  

Purpose of this meeting was coordination for organizing mandatory trainings for judges for the 2019, like: Legal writing and reasoning; Legislative changes; Professional ethics and Sanctioning Policies.

In this meeting it was discussed about the training on professional ethics that were conducted in 2018 at the Academy of Justice. In this meeting, participants agreed to organize additional training for those judges who had no possibility to reach the required number of training hours on professional ethics.

At the end of this meeting, the interlocutors discussed also on other issues related to data exchange and maintenance regarding participation of judges in trainings of the Academy of Justice.

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