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Specialized training on Organized crime and corruption – Session I

February 4-5 2020, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program (CTP) organized specialized training on “Organized crime and corruption – session I”.

Purpose of this training was to extend the professional knowledge of judges, prosecutors and other beneficiaries on the nature and forms of corruption, and crimes that relate to corruption.

Purpose of this training was to elaborate on crimes of corruption, corruption according to applicable legislation, consequences of corruption and forms of cooperation and coordination of institutions mandated to fight the corruption. Also, this training elaborated on national and international remedies for fighting corruption, dilemmas and difficulties in proving crimes of corruption and measures to prevent official corruption.

This training was conducted in form of interactive discussions where participants had the possibility to present their challenges and difficulties that they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges, prosecutors of basic instance of different regions of Kosovo and representatives of the US DoJ, US Embassy.

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