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Sequestration and confiscation

April 22-23 2020, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program, in cooperation with the US Department of Justice/ OPDAT s organizing training on the topic of “Sequestration and Confiscation”. Trainers of this activity are Mr. Ali Kutllovci – Judge in the Basic Court of Mitrovica, and Mr. Shqipdon Fazliu, Prosecutor in the Chief States Prosecutor’s Office.

Purpose of this training was to extend the judges and prosecutors professional knowledge on correct implementation of legal provisions that sanction criminal offences that relate to the organized crime and corruption as negative phenomenons in society.

Focus of this training was on understanding the sequestration and confiscation of assets as: evidence, tools with which the criminal offence was committed, or as a proceeds of crime? What measures shall be proposed for ensuring the assets and which ones for freezing of assets? What procedures shall be developed until final confiscation of the proceeds of crime?

During this training it was elaborated also on the following: legal framework for tracing, sequestration and confiscation of the proceeds of crime; Methods for identification, sequestration and confiscation of the proceeds of crime; Freezing assets and warrants for sequestration and confiscation, and Administration and sale of the sequestrated and confiscated property.

Training methodology is based on interactive discussion elaborating different cases from the judicial case-law.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from different regions of Kosovo and professional associates.

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