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Diversion Measures

On 03-04 June 2020, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Program is conducting training on: "Diversion Measures".

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mrs. Nesrin Lushta, Judge at the Supreme Court of Kosovo and Mr. Hashim Çollaku, judge at the Court of Appeals.

The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of the participants in the implementation of the Juvenile Justice Code, especially in defining the specific conditions and situations for the correct imposition of diversion measures.

The focus of this training is the proper approach to those in charge, such as prosecutors and juvenile judges, who are key actors for the functioning of these measures. It is attempted to reach the problems that state bodies have, in terms of how they are regulated and codified in the domestic legislation in Kosovo, specifically with the criminal legislation. Also, after regulating the matter based on the law, the focus should lie on the implementation of these measures in practice, the difficulties and problems encountered during the implementation of these measures against juvenile perpetrators of criminal offenses.

During this training, the following were elaborated: proper application of the Juvenile Justice Code provisions, identification of the legal conditions to be met for the imposition of diversion measures, as well as correct assessment of the effects of the implementation of diversion measures in practice.

The methodology used during this training has been combined by theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges and prosecutors from Juvenile Department.

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