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Practical training of newly appointed prosecutors at the Anti-Corruption Agency

On 22 February 2017, Kosovo Judicial Institution concocted a practical training for newly appointed prosecutors at the Anti-Corruption Agency.

This training aimed to advance the knowledge of newly appointed prosecutors related to the legal mandate, responsibilities and the role of the Ant- Corruption Agency in preventing and combating corruption. 

Initially, within this training was treated in general the mission and organizational structure of the Agency, legal basis, based on which the Anti-Corruption Agency functions and challenges faced by this Agency in fulfilment of its mandate. Furthermore, in detail were treated: preliminary investigation process, declaration of the property and incomes, conflict of interest and the role of the Agency in preventing corruption in public procurement.

The training was interactively developed in every phase, where the newly appointed prosecutors had the opportunity to discuss issues that may be faced by them in practice when dealing with cases of this nature.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed state prosecutors, generation VI of ITP. 


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