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Business Associations

On March 29th 2017, Academy of Justice within its continuous training program conducted training on Business Associations.

Purpose of this training was to enable the participants to extend their knowhow related to meeting legal requirement for registration, establishment and closure of business associations, what are the rights and obligations of the owners and officials, as well as types of business associations, capacity and their legal structure.

During elaboration of legal provisions of the Law on Business Associations, explanations were given related to its scope, elements, definitions and its advantages, to include also issues that this law does not regulate, the disputable issues and procedure that is conducted before the court for solving these cases.

This training also covered problems with previous business practices, the best practices of regional countries on application of international instruments that regulates this field, role and tasks of the Business registration Agency of Kosovo, and many other important issues that help overcoming difficulties that judges face in practice.

Training was delivered in form of interactive discussions, tackling dilemmas related to the aforementioned topics of the training.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of basic instance from the Commercial, administrative and general departments, as well as legal officials of the USAID/ CLE Project.


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