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Admissibility of the request/complaint at the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court

On June 9th 2017, Academy of Justice within its continuous trainings provided training on Ad-missibility of the request at the Special Cham-ber.

This training aimed to contribute the profession-al capacity development and extending the par-ticipant’s knowledge related to the request ad-missibility, criteria and correct application of legal provisions of the CLK and LSC.

During the training general aspects of the request admissibility was treated, the court actions after submission of the request, judicial control of meeting the admissibility criteria, as well as its admissibility criteria at the Special Chamber.

A comprehensive elaboration was made also on the most frequent cases submitted to the SCSC and which do not meet the criteria, and this was elaborated through practical cases.

Participants had the possibility to exercise in groups and assess practical examples for admis-sibility criteria, and in which direction the court shall focus in order to assess if they are met be-fore the case goes to the indictment merit re-view.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of the Supreme Court and of the Special Chamber of the Supreme Court, the Appeals Court and basic courts, as well as professional associates.

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