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Meeting of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board

Prishtina, 01 December 2017, the seventh meeting of the Academy of Justice’s Managing Board took place in the AJ premises, headed by the Chairman of the Managing Board, Mr. Alexander Lumezi the Chief State Prosecutor.

At this meeting the Managing Board reviewed and approved the Academy of Justice’s Training Program for 2018.

Afterwards, the Managing Board as per the agenda reviewed the KJC’s request and approved the amendment and supplement to the Regulation No. 06/2017 for the Trainers and Mentors of the Academy of Justice. Also the Board approved supplements and amendments to the Regulation No. 03/2017 on the Initial Training.

During this meeting the Managing Board established the Committee for the Complaints Review Procedure of the candidates for judges and state prosecutors pertaining to the initial training assessment, and it approved the list of mentors for the newly appointed judges according to the proposal of the KJC.

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