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Practical Implementation of the Law on Personal Data Protection

On March 22nd 2018, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program, conducted training on the topic of Practical implementation of the Law on personal data Protection.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the participant’s knowledge on details, responsibilities, principles and measures to protect the personal data, as well as on correct implementation of the provisions of the Law on personal Data Protection.

First part of the training elaborated on legal basis of lawful processing of personal data and their institutional protection. While the second part continued with treatment of the rights and responsibilities of data controllers.

In the context of the aforementioned topic the legal mandate and responsibilities of the National Agency for Personal data Protection, personal data processing, processing principles and measures and procedures in cases of breaching these data. Also the experiences and best practices of regional countries were presented, as well as forms of efficient application of international instruments that regulate this area. Focus of this training were issues that elaborate and make lawful processing of personal data and protect these data.

This training emphasized protection of personal data in the Republic of Kosovo, which is a fundamental right guaranteed by Constitution, that in Article 36 specifies that privacy and family life, inviolability of residence, confidentiality of correspondence, telephone and other means of communication, and protection of personal data are guaranteed for each individual. Also, this Constitution guarantees implementation of international and European Convention, in relation to data protection, like: Universal Declaration on Human Rights, European Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Liberties and additional protocols. 

Beneficiaries of this training were judges of Administrative Department of Basic Court of Prishtina, of the appeals Court as well as officials of the State Agency for Personal Data Protection. 

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