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Workshop for reviewing the Juvenile justice module – criminal aspect section

On May 10-11 2018, Academy of Justice with the support of UNICEF conducted the workshop on reviewing the Juvenile justice module – criminal aspect section.

Purpose of this workshop was to review the training module which is applied by the Academy of Justice, and its adjustment with new changes to the Juvenile Justice Code, which during implementation will be followed with practical cases, with the purpose of increasing professional skills of judges and prosecutors.

The workshop was conducted with the aim of identifying the needs for complementing the Juvenile justice module – criminal aspect section, based on the changes that the draft Juvenile Justice Code Contains.

Particular attention on this workshop was paid to some novelties that the new Juvenile Justice Code brings, which is expected soon to enter into force. Preliminarily, the participants divided the topics of the module which will be adjusted accordingly to be in compliance with changes to the draft code.

Participants in this training were judges from the Kosovo Supreme Court and the Appeals Court, and prosecutors of basic instance prosecution, authors of the Module on Juvenile Justice Code – criminal aspect.   

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