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Practical training for Kosovo Privatization Agency

On May 2nd 2018, Academy of Justice within its Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges conducted a practical training in the Kosovo Privatization Agency.

Purpose of this training was to acquaint the newly appointed judge’s with the privatization procedure in the KPA, role of the Agency in privatization process, verification and announcement of provisional winner, approval and rejection of the offer, and general information about the privatization and liquidation processes.

This training also elaborated and analyzed in general the actual issues in practice, learning and understanding better the role of the Agency in the privatization process in Kosovo, and correct implementation of the entities privatization procedures.

This training was interactive in all its stages, providing the possibility to newly appointed judges to present and discuss on issues of interest for them, and which they face in practice when handling cases of this nature.

Beneficiaries of this training were the newly appointed judges, the ITP generation VI.

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